Agonizomai: I'm A Slow Reader

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm A Slow Reader
(and learner - but that's another story)

Yes, I'm still reading "Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be)" by DeYoung and Kluck . I think I started back in June or July. But I got side tracked during my visit to the UK when I started reading a real page turner that my Dad gave to me called, "This Sceptered Isle 55BC-1901 (From the Roman Invasion to Queen Victoria)" by Christopher Lee. 650 pages of pure unadulterated mayhem, including blood, treachery, the repeal of the corn laws and antidisestablishmentarianism. You gotta be a Brit at heart to love the stuff.

Anyway, here's another quote from a Kevin DeYoung chapter entitled "Jesus: Bringer of Peace and Bearer of Wrath." Try fitting that into your emergent world view. And, yes (to my Mongolian-based reader(s)), I still think this is a book worth buying.

"There's a reason the bulk of every gospel deals with the last week of Jesus' life. Because they're Gospels! Absolutely, the gospel has ethical implications. Believing the gospel means learning to obey all that Jesus' commands (Matt 28:19-20). It is right and good for social action to be a partner of evangelism. But the gospel is not the summons to live a life that betters the world. The gospel message is a message about Jesus' life, death and resurrection. As I've heard John Piper say, we are meant to read the Gospels backwards. That's why Matthew announces in chapter 1, 'you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins' (Matt 1:21)"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I shall have to find a copy when I get home! Every quote I've read from the book is great so I'm really looking forward to it.

That verse from Matthew is great...I love being made to stop on verses I've rushed over a hundred times.


9:42 pm  
Blogger agonizomai said...


You can have mine when I'm finished. Recycling books is good emergent green-ness. (See, we Calvinists can invent words, too) Can I get brownie points for green-ness? Or is that my red/green color confusion coming to the fore?


4:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you only get Emergent brownie points for green-ness if you have this:



11:11 am  
Blogger agonizomai said...


If you really loved me you would make a swap of the DeYoung and Kluck Emergent book for a Green Bible and say nothing more. Don't you care if I get points or not?


11:50 am  

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