Agonizomai: Mastering Sin

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mastering Sin
I find that those who appear most to have mastered sin are the ones acutely aware that they haven't.

Gleanings 10: 905


Blogger THEOparadox said...


Who writes this? Is it a compilation from various authors? I need to get this book, it's great!


8:16 am  
Blogger agonizomai said...


Er...that would be me.

I used to post the occasional gleaning under the fictitious name "Harlan Ames" until somebody spent a bunch of time trying to track him down.

Some gleanings are better than others. I don't write them any more. Most came to me during an intensely creative period about 5 years ago. I have never seriously thought about publication.

This one was written at a time when I couldn't find my files and so I made up the number for it on the fly. It was born, as it were, out of time. There are actually only about 600 gleanings in total, in 16 "volumes" of 40 each.

Here's a bonus one , just for you (I posted it a while ago) and it echoes in the occasional post...

"Perhaps the best way of defining my role in the life God has ordained for me is that I supply the lack while He supplies the sufficiency." - Gleanings 3:114



9:11 am  
Blogger THEOparadox said...


I am laughing out loud. It's too funny, yet again I find you summarizing what I already think, and saying the very words that I might have said if I had taken more time to compose them. It's like your thoughts are what mine would naturally be, a few years down the road. It's almost creepy, but it's encouraging too.

So you probably know what I'm going to ask: how can I get my own copy of your book?

Also: Why in the world haven't you gotten this published yet? I must encourage you, pursue this.

Gleanings will go on my shelf right next to Pascal's Pensees. One of those books that always remains fresh and relevant - to use a term which has lately been hijacked by the pseudo-church.

Grace & peace,

9:50 am  
Blogger agonizomai said...


I'll email you a detailed reply in due course, because there are things I need to say in response that the world doesn't need to hear.



1:06 pm  

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