Agonizomai: Sermon of the Week<br>Sought Out - Kent Clark

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sermon of the Week
Sought Out - Kent Clark

It takes all kinds to make up the host of the Redeemed. This Pastor believes that, and I believe it of this Pastor. At first blush he sounds like a good old Southern Baptist dyed-in-the-wool fundamentalist. He gets agitated and his voice goes up and down. But when you listen to what he is saying it soon becomes apparent that he is light years apart from the sort of free-willism that has been rampant for years in vast reaches of the fundamentalist camp. This man believes in the doctrines of grace with a passion.

So even if you don't warm to the delivery because you were, perhaps, burned in the past by preachers that outwardly sounded like this, take the time to hear the doctrine he's preaching. Below is the statement found on the home page of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, Pontiac, MI where he pastors.

"There is no doubt in my mind that most local churches do not believe the gospel to be enough...the gospel is not adequate to 'Get the job done.' There is a sad lack of biblical and doctrinal content in most contemporary christian music. Present day music has grown out of a lack of preaching the old gospel from the pulpit. We need and must have a modern reformation... we must recover and go back to the old gospel of God’s free grace. "My dream for Grace Gospel Fellowship is that it will be made up of every color and race, from every tongue and nation.The church on earth should not be a black church, a white church, a Chinese church, or a Korean church, but rather the centrality of Jesus Christ draws us into oneness." - Pastor Kent W. Clark

Now give him a fair hearing by listening to this sermon...and remember this is Kent Clark, not Clark Kent [/grin]

Sought Out - Kent Clark


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this kind of preaching to get my spirit in fervent rejoice mode. Thank you. Of course, I can't stop thinking of this man as Clark Kent...

10:10 am  

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