Agonizomai: Confronting Error with Condemnation, Not Conversation

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Confronting Error with Condemnation, Not Conversation

I haven't published anything before from John MacArthur here on the blog. I'm not sure why. It may be because I just don't listen to him much. That's not a criticism - just a matter of style, I think. It's the same with John Piper - I haven't blogged much by him, either. For some reason I tend to gravitate towards those who have smaller, less prominent ministries. I think it's a sort of "underdog syndrome".

I always root for the team with the least chance of winning, too. You have to when your local teams are the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Blue Jays. But I digress...

In this short talk, John MacArthur makes the Biblical case for knowing sound theology, knowing God personally, and openly confronting/condemning those who preach and teach falsehood, rather than dialoguing with them. It sounds like a bit of a swipe at the so-called emergent movement and ecumenism in general. But it also speaks to the error which is always creeping into churches and pulpits as the next best thing, or the flavor of the month, or the latest way to reach the culture by using it's methods and ideologies.

Confronting Error with Condemnation, Not Conversation (pop-up flash player)

Confronting Error with Condemnation, Not Conversation (Blog Flash Player)


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