Agonizomai: The New Atheists

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The New Atheists
Most of the time I have one or two books around that I am reading. From time to time I come across something that really strikes me as memorable. I will occasionally post one these snippets in non-audio form.

Here is something from Vox Day's "The Irrational Atheist":

"The terrible tragedy of the New Atheists (Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens and their acolytes*) is that they are laboring to lay the foundation for yet another reprisal of the very horrors they think to permanently prevent in the name of Reason. Voltaire may have been correct to write that "those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities," but a more meaningfuly rational statement would be to say: If you commit atrocities, then you believe absurdities.

And the undeniable fact is that the absurdity most often believed by those who have committed Man's greatest atrocities is that there is no God."
(* parenthetical remark added by me for clarity)


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