Agonizomai: Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry Christmas
Credit: Comstock Images/Getty ImagesHere's an article that might initially elicit more of a giggle than an aghast. I caught myself thinking how naughty and how quaint this whole episode was. That lasted for all of about 2 seconds.

I am so insensitized to the corruption at work in the world that I almost overlook things like this. But here we see anarchy in all of its ugliness; an ugliness in no way diminished by the Santa suits and the appallingly hypocritical aim of protesting the commercialization of Christmas.

The whole episode stands as a flagrant example of what lies in the heart of man - often just below the thin veneer of outwardly civilized behaviour. God restrains, but when He withholds His gracious restraint on human hearts then poison spews forth in all of its deadliness. Theft, disrespect for law, abuse of people and disdain for human property are clearly evident.

But by far the worst element in it all is the utter confusion of motives. To be found doing evil in the name of supposed goodness is a dispostion so pharisaical as to warrant the same sharp rebuke that the Lord gave to similar people during His incarnation. The people who exhibited this behaviour have themselves no inkling of the value of Christmas or the tragedy of its commercialization.

They don't know the Jesus whose life gave rise to the celebration of the Christmas that “Santa” has hijacked. They are an example of the world devouring itself upon any pretext - even when that pretext is based upon a historical fact of such stupendousness that only their spiritually willful blindness could allow them to have taken up the cause in this way in the first place.

The world is waxing worse and worse and this is but one more sign - one more glimpse into the folly and depravity of the human heart. Maranatha - came quickly, Lord Jesus!

My moniker - that's John Henry to Americans


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