Agonizomai: 1Cor 11:10 - Order, Order, Order!!

Friday, July 04, 2008

1Cor 11:10 - Order, Order, Order!!

10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.

The word for "angels" means "messengers." This is an obscure expression that has been interpreted in a number of different ways. Some have pictured overlooking angels. Some have thought it refers to people sent by outsiders to report on Christian behaviours.

In either case, the context helps to understand the thrust of the expression. The context is public worship and the respect for God’s order. It is not likely that the Ultimate Omniscient Being needs to send angels to report back to Him what is happening. It is, I suppose, possible that they may be sent for their own edification - though this is unlikely.

The simplest interpretation is that Paul desires that the dutiful, willing and humble observance of God’s revealed order in public worship will be a witness to Christ before any unbelievers that attend. It removes the stumbling block that might arise when cultural mores coinciding with the order of creation are flaunted. Imagine a pagan Corinthian attending who, though lost and corrupt and himself practising some sorts of immorality, sees the flaunting of what he considers to be the natural order. His carnal mind will see a socio-political threat where there is none; at least, not directly.

The gospel first changes hearts supernaturally, which leads to changes in the behaviour of people in society. Getting that order wrong by making unnecessary stumbling blocks is unloving and disobedient to God. Again, the lesson is NOT "be conformed to the culture". It IS "do not disgrace God and His gospel - do not hinder the gospel - by unthoughtfully making stumbling blocks for people by flaunting traditions that uphold or reflect God’s established order".

People, specifically unbelievers, will come into the assembly and immediately be offended by the flaunting of their sense of propriety. They may be hypocritical but they are hypocritical without the light that Christians have. They may be offended for the wrong reasons (social norms) without understanding that their own norms reflect the created order.

Also, there was opposition to Christianity. Some people hated the religion and maliciously looked for anything that would help discredit it. Rumours were spread about human sacrifice and the killing of babies. There was much mystery and misrepresentation about the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper and so on. It would have taken very little for haters of the gospel to foment prejudice and opposition on the basis of the destruction of the social institutions. "Christianity destroys marriage order," might be the cry. Now, if some want to falsely and maliciously and deliberately spread the lie that is one thing. But if Christians give them fuel for the fire by appearing to flaunt such things they undermine the gospel and aid the enemy.

So, whether it is angels or men that are watching, we should know that God is watching, also. And the lesson is to be caring and thoughtful about our own public worship behaviour.


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