Agonizomai: 1Cor 9:12-14 - Paying Preachers and Pastors

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

1Cor 9:12-14 - Paying Preachers and Pastors

12-14 If others share this rightful claim on you, do not we even more? Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ. 13 Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? 14 In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.

The context of this is justification of ministers sharing in the material blessings of the flock. Paul is not stating the obvious, but bolstering the defence of his own ministry and his sincere love for the Corinthians by showing that he lays aside his claim to what is rightfully his so that there may be no question about his motives. I can quite see modern flock-fleecers using the Deuteronomy example and its reference here to justify their own greed. But they will never be found using the context properly and show how Paul would rather work with his hands than be a burden to the flock. But even paid ministers, who have the right to be supported and who do no wrong in receiving from the congregation, ought still to have the same frame of mind as Paul. What else can guard them from worldliness in this area?

Paul is constrained, as are all true ministers, to make his prime objective the gospel of Jesus Christ; not his own wants; not even his own needs, but the gospel of Jesus Christ first, last and in between. This does not mean he fails to take proper care of himself, but that he takes care of himself for the express purpose of being able to continue in propagating the gospel. Give him sustenance and health (and often not enough of either or both these things) and it is enough for him. Sadly, some congregations take on the attitude of mind towards the minister that the minister is to have towards himself - and this is equally wrong. Their attitude ought to be one of grace and generosity and caring and provision well beyond penny pinching and grudging support - and with joy to boot.

God laid down the pattern quite deliberately under the old covenant temple regulations. Priests needed not to concern themselves with how they made a living because, by the law of God, they were fully entitled to portions of the offerings of the people. This did not prevent misuse, abuse and outright fraud by some teachers. Some added to the word of God and some twisted it for gain, as Jesus said to the Pharisees and scribes. But the original intent was that the Levite priesthood itself, being the tithe of the firstborn of all Israel, were themselves supported through Israel’s tithes. The arrangement has a neatness to it that is characteristic of God’s wisdom. And it was instituted to show how God desires that those who serve in full-time ministry should be supported by those who are ministered to.

Furthermore, the Lord Himself {Mt 10:9-10,Lu 10:8} specifically indicated that the Apostles were worthy of support because of the nature of their commission and their work. He desired them to live by faith in the proclamation of the gospel - a faith that believed that God would provide for those whom He had called.

Paul had been called in a very dramatic and personal way by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself - yet he did not press his rights, as we see in the next verses.


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